Title of Event: Nigerian Youth: Ethical Values, Reorientation and Role in Electoral Processes.
Date of Event: 12th August, 2022
Venue of Event: @cinbnigeriaTwitter Space.
The International Youth Day 2022 was celebrated on 12th August, 2022. Christian Initiative for
Nation Building held an online discourse tagged Nigerian Youth: Ethical Values, Reorientation
and Roles in Electoral Process. The theme was chosen to discuss on the issues around the
contemporary Nigerian Youth in general.
The Moderator, Mr Seun Ibukun-Oni came up with topics around the decline in the moral values
amongst the youth and indulged the speakers to give their takes on the topic. He also came up
with questions on how to tackle the issues on moral degradation amongst youth and how they
can be reoriented.
The moderator also talked about the forth coming elections and invited the speakers to give their
takes on how the youths in Nigeria can influence the outcome of the 2023 elections and what
their roles would be in the elections.
Key Findings
1. Dr. Adeniyi Oginni in his open submission attributed the decadent in morals and values of our today’s youth to the failure of families, religious bodies and community at large. In addition to these, Blessing Oladunjoye also pointed out failure of government agencies such as National OrientationAgency who is saddled with the responsibility of building the right values in our youths as a contributory factor to decline of morals and values among youth as seen in our today’s society.
2. On how we go beyond politics of sound bite to voting candidates that will deliver, Mr. John
Ola in his submission note that one of the reason while we fail in electing responsible leaders
is the fact that most people don’t really see politics as something that really influences their
Lives. As such they pay less attention to who wins in an election.
1. Mr Busayo Alabi in his submission on the way forward to sustaining good values and morals
among youths emphasized on the need for civil society to support the effort of Government
agencies as well as family towards achieving this goal. Also, Mrs. Olayemi recommended
that good influencers need to be raised so as to influence our youths positively. She also
stressed the fact that we have to be creative and passionate about driving good morals and
values in the society.
2. On youth participation in politics, Mr Busayo Alabi commended the current interest of youth
in politics as witness in the new voter’s registration exercise which had about 80% youth
Presence. He believed that the same energy deployed by youth in the voters registration
exercise will be transferred into actual voting during the next general election. In addition, Dr
Oginni stress the fact that youths needs to be emboldened and galvanized to form a coalition
to change the negatives narratives in the next general election.
3. On what should be the disposition of the politicians and the masses as campaigns begins. Dr
Oginni noted that not much is expected from our politicians as their interest will always be to
promote and sustain the corrupt system from which they have been benefiting from.
However, he commended some candidates for adopting the method of community
engagement as part of their campaign strategies. Also, he encourage the youths to look
beyond money politics.
4. On how can we go beyond politics of sound bite to voting candidates that will deliver, Mr.
John Ola noted that we will need to go beyond voting based on our conscience to voting
based on fact and issues if we will ever arrive at choosing a right leaders
5. On how to translate youth social media campaign to actual voting Mrs. Olayemi stressed on
the fact that politic is not won on social media but that it requires going into the field to
educate and convinced the masses. She therefore advised that youth should not just be
obsessed with social media campaign but should ensure to drive their message down to our
people in the village.
6. Mr. Ayo Oke who was a representative of clean nation in his contribution stress the need for
the church to raise up role models for the youth can emulate.
Overall, the space went on for 2hrs10mins and it was a very enlightening, informative and
motivational discourse that would jeer the youths towards good values and responsibility
wherever they find themselves. The online recording would still reach more audience with time.
Also, a communique was proposed to be shared on the topics discussed and also to be put on the
Organization’s website.
Dr. Adeniyi Oginni.- President, CINB
Mrs. Blessing Oladunjoye – Publisher. BO News Service
John Olla Founder – ActHub Africa
Mrs. Oluwaseyi Olayemi. – Team Lead, Junior Parliamentarians of Nigeria.
Oluwabusayomi Alabi. – Youth Engagement Officer, CINB
Mr. SeunIbukun-Oni. – Co-Founder, Gates Poll Limited Ayo Oke. – Clean Nation Foundation